Wyoming Trade Name Registration
A trade name or a Doing Business As Name (DBA) is different from your LLC’s legal name. Many LLCs register their company under one name but wish to do business in the state under a separate name.
For example, a company may own real estate throughout the state as Smith Real Estate, LLC. But at each individual location, the company may wish to operate a separate apartment complex: Cheyenne Apartments LLC, Laramie Apartments LLC, etc. In this case, the original company would register multiple trade names, one for each apartment complex.
Steps to Registering a Wyoming Trade Name
- Choose the trade name you want to register. It cannot be deceptively similar to entity names already registered in the state.
- File an Application for Registration of Trade Name with the Secretary of State. Applications must be mailed to the SOS office. The form must be signed with an original signature, and the form must be notorized.
- Pay the $100 filing fee. Make checks and money orders payable to: Secretary of State.
- Wait for processing. Typically one week.
Mailing Address:
Wyoming Secretary of State
State Capitol Building, Room 110
200 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020
How Long Does a Trade Name Last?
Trade names are registered for 10 years. To continue to use the trade name, you will need to file a Trade Name Renewal Application. Renewal Applications must be submitted within six months prior to expiration.
The Secretary of State charges a $50 filing fee for Renewal Applications.