What is a Wyoming LLC’s Registered Agent?
Wyoming registered agents accept official mail and documents that arrive at their registered office on behalf of the LLCs that they represent. An agent’s Wyoming registered office must be open during normal business hours. Many individuals serve as their own LLC’s registered agent. The main requirements are that the agent be available to accept service of process (notice of a lawsuit) at a physical location between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Though the basic requirements are fairly simple to meet, many LLCs in Wyoming hire registered agents because the owners want to keep their names off the public documents, which can only be done by hiring a Wyoming registered agent.
According to Wyoming’s state statutes (W.S 17-16-501), all Wyoming LLCs are required to maintain a Wyoming registered agent within the state.
Wyoming LLC Registered Agents in Action:
Example: Your Wyoming LLC owns some real estate. Some is injured on your LLC’s property and decides to sue. They are required to notify the LLC by sending the lawsuit notice (service of process) to your registered agent. The registered agent then forwards the notice to you, the owner of the LLC.
Wyoming LLC Registered Agent Requirements
Wyoming statutes (W.S. 17-28-107) require the following of all Wyoming LLC registered agents:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Accept service of process and official notices on behalf of the businesses they have represent.
- Notify the LLC’s assigned contact (usually a member or manager) when they accept any service of process or mail on behalf of the LLC, and then forward that notice to them.
- Keep normal business hours at a physical location (known as a registered office) in Wyoming. This means no P.O. boxes.
- Maintain and keep at their registered office: the names and addresses of each company’s managers or similar persons; the name and address of a company contact authorized to talk with registered agent; copies of written agreements that create the relationship between a real, live person and the registered agent.
How to Change Wyoming Registered Agents
You can change an LLC’s Wyoming registered agent by doing the following:
- Get a New Registered Agent
Choose your new registered agent first. The form you file with the Wyoming Secretary of State requires the new agent information. - New Registered Agent Must Complete the Consent to Appointment form
Wyoming registered agents must complete a consent to appointment form. The consent form must be submitted with the change form. - Complete Statement of Change by Business Entity form
You can download the Statement of Change form from the Wyoming Secretary of State’s website. List the following: your business name, old registered agent, new registered agent, and whether you want the new registered agent’s address to serve as your business’ addresses. The change of agent is typically processed in 3 to 5 business days.
Why Wyoming LLCs Hire Registered Agents
Most small businesses serve as their own registered agent, but sometimes Wyoming LLCs will seek the service of professionals. Here’s why:
Paperwork Reduction
Registered agent services typically cost somewhere between $25 and $100 per year in Wyoming. For some LLCs, this fee is worth not having the hassle of tracking official notices and annual report due dates with the state. An LLC’s registered agent should have an electronic notification system in place to track and notify you when annual reports are due to keep your business in good standing with the state, as well as a way to digitally track and store all of your LLC’s official notices.
In Wyoming you can keep your name and address off the Articles of Organization if you hire a registered agent. This prevents junk mail and solicitors from reaching out to you and ensures more corporate security. If you list yourself as your LLC’s registered agent, you’ll probably be listing your home address as the agent’s registered office address. This will make your address a part of This puts your home address on public record and anyone who wants to officially contact your business (typically with tons of junk mail) will find your home address.
Internet Companies with Physical Address
If you’re an online company without a real physical address, a registered agent’s registered office can serve as one for important communications. Many Wyoming registered agents also offer virtual office and mail forwarding services.
Odd Business Hours
Wyoming registered agents must be available during normal business hours. If you operate at night or are constantly out of the office, a registered agent may be required.
Not Living in Wyoming
If you form a Wyoming LLC, but do not live in Wyoming, you’ll need to hire a registered agent as all registered agents and their registered offices must be located within state lines.
In Wyoming, there are many registered agent services to choose from, so if you’re looking to hire one, you can likely shop around to find the best price and service.